
Plastikfrei einfrieren - So geht's
Jun 20, 2023
Freezing is my favorite way to store food in large quantities ❄️ So I still...
So bewahrst du feste Seife richtig auf
Jun 20, 2023
Solid soap and body care products are an essential part of a sustainable everyday life....
Zero Waste BBQ
Jun 20, 2023
Summer is almost here and that means cozy barbecue evenings as well! We have put...
Nachhaltig Wäsche waschen
Jun 20, 2023
Doing laundry is an activity that is repeated over and over again and thus offers...
Nachhaltiges Picknick: So geht's
Jun 20, 2023
You don't need much for a sustainable picnic. Ultimately, you can use exactly the same...
8 Dinge, die du mit Wachstüchern aufbewahren kannst
Jun 20, 2023
Vegan wax towels can be used in many different ways. In this blog post we...